
How We Help You Succeed

CPA, The Association for Contract Packagers and Manufacturers, is made up of members who are the nation’s leading contract packagers and contract manufacturers (CP/CMs). CPA provides top-notch business development support, industry education, networking opportunities and industry intelligence. Learn how we help our members each and every day! Become a CPA member to gain access to industry expertise and best practices and be actively supported and promoted throughout the year.

Business Growth
Developing leads and opportunities for members.
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Organizing a wide range of training and educational materials.
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Explore marketing opportunities for CPA members.
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Connecting the industry's needs with the right resources.
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Value-Add Programs
Programs offering that return value on your membership fees.
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Membership Information

CPA membership is company-based. This means if your company joins the CPA, all individuals within the company are automatically members and can take advantage of our many benefits! Membership Dues are pro-rated throughout the year and are collected on an Annual basis. Renewals are collected within the 4th Quarter of every year.

CPA Regular Membership:

  • Contract Packagers
  • Contract Manufacturers
  • Those who provide 3PL services

Regular Membership Dues pricing is based on your company’s annual revenue in the Contract Packaging sector specifically:

  • Less than $10 Million Annually: $1,995.00
  • Between $10 and $50 Million Annually: $2,995.00
  • Over $50 Million Annually: $3,995.00

CPA Associate Membership:

  • $3,995 Annually
  • Supplier Companies providing machinery, containers, components, materials, or other services to Contract Packagers and Manufacturers.
  • Associate Membership Dues pricing is a set amount agreed upon by the Contract Packaging Association Board of Directors.

CPA Brand/Retailer Membership:

  • $2,995 Annually

This membership category is for those who are Brand or a Retailer. Each company will be entitled to receive all CPA benefits. There are no voting rights granted to this membership category. The value proposition will be networking with a broader base, helping shape industry improvements, and connecting with additional industry partners. This group would be asked to help provide a unique perspective and guidance on issues / challenges.

Please Note: Dues will be prorated depending on the time of year your company joins. Full annual dues are collected January 1 of each year.  One contact will be listed as Primary Contact, one as Billing Contact, and one as Marketing Contact. Up to 10 additional company members can be added to the company roster.


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